The first production Ivchenko AI-14 was qualified in 1947. This Russian engine is one of the few radial engine still in production. Thousands have been built both for fixed wing and helicopter applications. The engine has been developed over the years beginning life at 260 hp (194 kW) before reaching 400 hp (298 kW) in the current production M14PF, with a 450 hp (336 kW) engine under development.
The engine on display is the Polish built version powering the PZL 104 Wilga 35 four-seat utility aircraft first flown in 1962. Other versions of the engine are used in the Yak 12A utility aircraft; the Nanchang
CJ-6, (engine built in China as the HS-6A) of 285 hp, (212 kW); the high-performance aerobatic Yakovlev 50 and 55, and the Sukhoi SU-31 400 hp, (298 kW).
The later geared engines are extremely lightweight for their power and feature a dry sump that ensures good lubrication even when inverted. Despite their power, they are very economical, using 40 litres per hour at cruising speed.
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